High Society and Low Sobriety

While in London I became used to a certain kind of nightlife. I became used to Moët and I became used to sparklers everywhere. Nothing screams “noveau riche” like sparklers attached to bottles of Moët or Dom Pérignon but it’s all very exciting so I just go with it. I think it is very safe to say that the Reserve is the ONLY place in Cape Town that comes close to European nightlife.

Last week I attended the Reserve Brasserie Launch with Caitlin, we felt slightly out of place when first arrived because we were the youngest ones there, (but when aren’t we?)  but settled into the swing of it all fairly quickly. The food was absolutely amazing and the bar was open. OH MON DIEU!

I haven’t eaten at The Reserve yet but after what I tasted last week I am definitely going to make a trip there before London next weekend.

For more information and reservations contact
The Reserve Restaurant